Looking for Something to Do This Weekend?


If none of that appeals to you ...

Take a hike (or walk or run or bike ride)

Visit Kinzua Bridge State Park while the fall foliage is still beautiful. Or visit any state park. National parks are closed but all the state parks are open for business. http://www.dcnr.state.pa.us/stateparks/findapark/kinzuabridge/

Read a book

Watch a movie (Gravity's playing -- George Clooney & Sandra Bullock: Eye candy for everyone. And they're Oscar winners, too, of course.) http://bradford.dipsontheatres.com/

If you don't have a hobby -- start one. Photography, baking, cooking, knitting, woodworking, looking for Bigfoot ... whatever. Just don't say, "there's nothing to do around here."

The news leader of the Twin Tiers ... since 1947


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