US House Passes Two Bills to
Expand Domestic Energy Production

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the House of Representatives passed the Federal Lands and Energy Security Act of 2013 (H.R. 1965), by a vote of 228-192, and the Protecting States’ Rights to Promote American Energy (H.R. 2728), by a vote of 235-187.

“The nation must pursue policies that lower energy costs for American families and improve our energy security," stated Thompson. “Today the House acted to put us on this path with the passage of two bills that will remove road blocks to domestic energy development and facilitate expanded energy production, which is so critically important to the long-term strength of our economy.”

“We must do more to reduce the regulatory duplication that is hindering expanded energy development on our federal lands,” Thompson said. “H.R. 1965 makes important reforms to the leasing process for onshore oil and natural gas projects, so that we can unlock the full potential of our domestic energy resources on our federal lands.”

"States like Pennsylvania have carefully constructed responsible regulations that meet their own geologic and environmental needs, enabling energy production and job growth to flourish,” Thompson added. “A ‘one size fits all’ regulatory regime, which the Obama Administration seems intent on imposing, will undermine our path to energy security. H.R. 2728 will protect states’ rights to continue regulating this activity in a safe and environmentally responsible manner.”

· H.R. 1965 reforms the leasing process for onshore oil and natural gas projects on federal lands to eliminate unnecessary delays; reforms the process for energy permitting; and gives the Interior Department the authority to conduct Internet-based auctions for leases to ensure the best return to the taxpayer.

· H.R. 2728 prohibits the Interior Department from enforcing federal hydraulic fracturing (HF) regulations in any state that already has regulations and recognizes states’ authority to regulate HF.

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