Drinking Water Clinic Scheduled in Smethport

Residents who rely on a private well, spring, or cistern for their drinking water can learn about the basics of testing and protecting their private water supply during a two-hour Safe Drinking Water Clinic, sponsored by Penn State Extension, and offered at the 911 Center in Smethport, PA. The clinic will be held on Tuesday, April 8, 2014, from 1 to 3PM only.

The clinic will provide information on proper location, construction, testing, maintenance, and protection and will feature Penn State Extension Water Specialist, Bryan Swistock. Several residents have had their water tested through this program and are registered already, but walk-ins will be accepted for the workshop, as well. A small cover charge will be payable at the door.

For further information you can contact Jim Clark at Jac20@psu.edu or by calling 814-887-5613.

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