Minard Run Wants Pipeline on ANF

The Allegheny National Forest’s Bradford Ranger District has received a proposal to install, operate and maintain a natural gas pipeline on national forest system land.

Minard Run Oil Company has requested a 30-year special use permit for a 19,369-foot pipeline to be buried along Forest Roads 173 and 176 and under a portion of Linn Brook in McKean County. The total size of the project is less than five acres. Additional information about this project can be found at: http://go.usa.gov/6mcA.

The Bradford Ranger District is seeking comments about this project. Comments may be submitted in several different ways:

Mail: Macario J. Herrera, District Ranger; USDA Forest Service; Bradford Ranger District; 29 Forest Service Drive, Bradford, PA 16701
Fax: 814.362.2761
E-mail: comments-eastern-allegheny-bradford@fs.fed.us. Please reference the Minard Run Oil Co. Special Use Stickney Pipeline on the subject line and include your name and physical mailing address with your correspondence.
Hand-delivered or verbal comments can be received weekdays (excluding federal holidays) between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. at the Bradford Ranger District or by calling 814.362.4613.

Comments should be postmarked or received by January 8, 2015. Comments received, including names and addresses of those who submitted comments, will be considered part of the public record and will be available for public inspection.

For more information about this project, please contact Ava Turnquist, Natural Resource Specialist, at 814.363.6086 or email: aturnquist@fs.fed.us.

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