Review: The Tender Bar


I read several reviews of “The Tender Bar” after I watched it and, honestly, I'm wondering if these people watched the same movie I watched.

I loved it. Maybe it's because the main character, JR, is about the same age I am so I could relate to many of the situations that were portrayed in the film. Maybe it's because the settings, the cars, the clothes, etc. brought back some good memories of my youth. Maybe it's because there's a radio element to it, and I like radio. Spoiler alert: The DJ is a jerk. Watch it to find out how and why.

George Clooney directing Ben Affleck is what drew me to “The Tender Bar,” I'll admit, but almost immediately after I started watching I had a feeling I was going to like it no matter who was directing. As for Ben Affleck? Give the man an Oscar nomination! This could be my favorite Affleck role, and I've like him in almost everything he's done with a couple of notable exceptions that I'm sure most people can guess. He's absolutely perfect as JR's uncle/father figure, avid reader, bar owner and impart-er of wisdom and advice.

As I said, I started watching because of Clooney and Affleck, but was happily surprised to see the fabulous Lily Rabe and the always-wonderful Christopher Lloyd as supporting actors. Others in supporting roles shine as well.

If nothing else, I hope this review justifies the feelings of other people who liked this film as much as I did.


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